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Helpful tooltips for better choices

This case study looks at my approach to writing user-centered tooltip copies that guide users about the nature of dropdown option.



Hubstream users struggled with unclear dropdown menu options, causing confusion and more support calls. The UX team wanted to make these options easier to understand to improve the user experience and reduce help requests.

I was tasked with writing clear help texts for these options, using best practices in UX writing to guide users more effectively through their choices.

Copy considerations

Persona identification

The primary personas include investigators, case managers, team leaders, and analysts who rely on Hubstream for efficient case handling. These users value precision, speed, and clarity to make informed decisions and manage cases effectively.

Tone of voice

The help texts needed a clear, concise, and direct tone. It was essential to eliminate jargon, reduce ambiguity, and provide users with straightforward information that supports quick decision-making within their workflow.


I created clear help texts for key dropdowns.

For status updates

  • Open - "Case is active and ongoing."

  • Under Review - "Case is being evaluated for further action."

  • Closed - "Case is resolved or concluded."

For task assignment

  • Investigator - "Assign for field investigation tasks."

  • Analyst - "Assign for data analysis and insight generation tasks."

  • Coordinator - "Assign for logistical and support tasks."

For evidence categorization

  • Digital - "For electronic or online evidence."

  • Physical - "For tangible, material evidence."

  • Documentary - "For written or printed evidence."

For reporting options

  • Incident Report - "For detailing specific events or breaches."

  • Progress Report - "For updates on case developments."

  • Summary Report - "For high-level overviews and conclusions."


Adding help text to dropdowns led to:

  • Fewer support tickets about dropdowns.

  • Positive user feedback on ease of use.

  • More efficient case management, with fewer selection errors.


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