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Inclusive language

After joining Hubstream, my first task was to address the following challenge: 
our content was predominantly masculine and failed to accurately represent our diverse user base.



The company's product content was not as inclusive as it could be. The predominance of masculine pronouns in user interfaces, and documentation was not reflecting the diversity of our user base. This oversight was not just a linguistic issue but a significant barrier to creating a universally welcoming product experience.


My primary goal was to transform Hubstream's product language to be inclusive of all genders. This required a meticulous overhaul of existing content and a strategic approach to embedding inclusivity into the company's communication ethos.

Empathize (discover)

I conducted interviews, and diary studies with 15 participants, including those who identify as female and trans. I gathered insights into how our language choices affected their perception and experience of our products.


Diary study materials sent to 15 participants.

77% of users felt that the language used in our products did not adequately represent their gender identity.


Pie chart depicting results of diary study.

Problem definition

The user research highlighted a clear challenge: our content was unintentionally excluding a significant portion of our user base. The task was to redefine our content strategy to embrace inclusivity as a core principle.


Inclusive content strategy

I organized some brainstorming sessions that led to the development of a multi-faceted strategy:

  • Conduct a thorough content audit to pinpoint non-inclusive language.
    Findings: 60% of our microcopy and documentation used gender/specific language. UX components included forms requiring title and pronoun selections, help text, notifications and help articles in second person perspective.

  • Establish a set of inclusive language guidelines for all content creation and revision.

  • Design prototypes of content that exemplified our new inclusive approach.


I created samples of revised content, incorporating a range of pronouns and adopting neutral language. These prototypes served as a benchmark for the content team, illustrating the shift towards inclusivity.

We got 90% approval rating from the test group. I made adjustments based on this input and drafted improved content that was more finely tuned to user needs.

UX microcopy before and after implementing inclusive content strategy


The prototypes were initially rolled out in a controlled environment, gathering feedback from both our internal teams and a select group of users. This feedback was crucial in refining our approach to ensure it effectively addressed the needs of all users.

We got 90% approval rating from the test group. I made adjustments based on this input and drafted improved content that was more finely tuned to user needs.


Considering the positive results from our pilot phase, I proceeded to update our entire content ecosystem according to the new guidelines. This included user interface text, help documentation, and all forms of user communication.


​I presented the project outcomes to the executive team and team leads (design, engineering, and product). The outcomes they were most pleased with are as follows: 

  • User feedback: Post-implementation surveys showed a 40% increase in user satisfaction regarding language inclusivity.

  • Internal change: This project catalyzed a broader understanding and appreciation for inclusive language within the company.

  • Sustainable practices: I established guidelines and training on inclusive language for lasting impact. Ongoing content audits revealed a consistent 85% compliance rate with inclusivity standards.


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